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Super TaqMix P2141 P2142 P2143

Products & Applications > PCR > Super TaqMix P2141 P2142 P2143

Super TaqMix P2141 P2142 P2143

Price: $11.00~879.00
P2141/40rxns P2142/200rxns P2143/4000rxns

Super TaqMix

For research use only


Cat. No./Spec.

Cat. No




50-μl reaction Nos.

40 rxns

200 rxns

4,000 rxns



Super TaqMix is a universal and easy-to-use PCR Master Mix that employs antibody-modified hotstart technology, offering excellent specificity and sensitivity. This product uses a universal annealing temperature of 55°C, which reduces the optimization steps of the reaction and enables simultaneous amplification of different PCR reactions. By innovatively combining a novel buffer, high-performance Taq DNA polymerase, and an excellent hot start technology, outstanding PCR results can be achieved even under the most demanding experimental applications. The amplified products have 3'-dA overhangs, which can be directly used for TA cloning.


Product Advantages

Universal primer annealing temperature (55°C) — enables simultaneous amplification of different PCR reactions

Fast DNA synthesis speed and inhibitor tolerance — using modified Taq DNA polymerase

Hot start technology — provides excellent specificity, sensitivity, and yield

Green buffer — allows direct gel loading of PCR products for electrophoresis, helping to reduce pipetting errors

Super TaqMix boasts an exceptional amplification efficiency, capable of successfully amplifying target fragments from as little as 0.1 ng of human genomic DNA (Figure 1, using 0.1/0.5/2/10/50 ng of human genomic DNA as templates to amplify a 300 bp DNA fragment). It efficiently and specifically amplifies commonly sized DNA fragments (Figure 2, amplifying DNA fragments of 600/800/1000 bp), easily meeting daily PCR requirements. Super TaqMix can perfectly amplify DNA fragments with a GC content ranging from 28% to 82% (Figure 3), not only yielding high amounts but also producing specific products with a clean background.







2X Super TaqMix 

1 ml

1 ml × 5

100 ml

This product contains two electrophoresis indicators, blue and yellow, PCR amplification products can be directly electrophoretic.



Store at -20°C for 2 years.

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