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BamHI E1031-A E1031-B

BamHI E1031-A E1031-B

Price: $73.50~215.00
E1031-A/800 rxns E1031-B/2,500 rxns


Cat. No./Spec.: E1031-A/800 rxns, E1031-B/2,500 rxns

Recognition site:

5'   G ↓ G   A   T   C   C     3'  

3'   C   C   T   A   G ↑ G     5'  


Product Description 

The BamH restriction endonuclease recognizes the G^GATCC site and achieves optimal cutting efficiency within 515 minutes at 37°C using the universal buffer.

GDSBio restriction endonucleases exhibit 100% activity in both Digest and Green reaction buffers.

The universal Digest buffer allows for rapid single-enzyme, double-enzyme, or multiple-enzyme digestion of DNA within 5–15 minutes, eliminating the need for buffer exchange or subsequent DNA purification steps. DNA-modifying enzymes (such as the Klenow fragment, T4 DNA ligase, calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase, and T4 DNA polymerase) maintain 100% activity in the buffer. Consequently, enzymes used in downstream applications can be directly added to the reaction mixture. Shorter incubation times and the superior composition of the universal Digest buffer eliminate the star activity effect.

The Green buffer includes one density reagent and two tracking dyes for direct loading of the digestion products onto a gel.







800 µL

500 µL × 5

10X Digest Buffer

1 mL × 2

1 mL × 5

10X Green Buffer

1 mL × 2

1 mL × 5


Storage Condition & Shelf Life

Store at -20°C.



- All GDSBio restriction endonucleases exhibit 100% activity in the universal buffer.

- 100% buffer compatibility with downstream applications.

- Enzymatic digestion can be completed within 515 minutes.

- Direct loading onto a gel.

- No star activity.


Scope of Application 

- Molecular cloning

- Restriction site mapping

- Genotyping

- Southern blotting

- Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)

- SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) analysis

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