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Swab/Saliva Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit (Spin Column) V4001

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Swab/Saliva Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit (Spin Column) V4001

Price: $9999.00

Product Introduction

The Swab/Saliva Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit (Spin Column) is suitable for rapid extraction of high purity viral nucleic acid from plasma, serum, nasopharyngeal swab, sputum, bronchus/alveolar lavage fluid, ascites, culture cell supernatant and urine. This kit is based on the silica gel column purification method. The sample is homogenized in the lysis buffer and the nucleic acid is released into the buffer. The lysis buffer contains a high concentration of guanidine. In this condition, the membrane absorbs nucleic acid by hydrogen bond and electrostatic physical and chemical action, while proteins and other impurities are not absorbed. The lysate is transferred to the adsorption column for filtration, and the nucleic acid filter membrane is washed to remove residual proteins and other impurities, and finally eluted by the low-salt buffer solution. The obtained nucleic acids can be directly used in downstream related experiments such as reverse transcription, PCR, RT-PCR, fluorescence quantitative PCR, second-generation sequencing and Northern hybridization.


viral nucleic acid extraction.


The nucleic acid is extracted manually by silica gel purification column and centrifuge.

Packing Components  

The name of the reagent


Component description

Lysis Buffer

50 ml

Provide environment for lysing and binding to the column

Wash Buffer

24 ml

Remove residual proteins and other impurities

Elute Buffer

6 ml

Nuclease-free solution

Spin Column

50 pcs × 2

Adsorb viral nucleic acid and collect the filtrate

Storage Condition

Store at room temperature (15-25°C) and transport at room temperature.


Product Selection Guide

Nucleic acid extraction method


Model No.

Product name

Spin column


Swab/Saliva Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit (Spin Column)

Magnetic bead (manual or automatic)


Swab/Saliva Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit (Magnetic Beads)

Magnetic bead (automatic)


96 Deep-Well Plate Viral RNA/DNA Miniprep Kit (Magnetic Beads)

OEM is available.

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