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Hotstart Pfu Mix P2051/P2052

Products & Applications > PCR > Hotstart Pfu Mix P2051/P2052

Hotstart Pfu Mix P2051/P2052

Price: $40.00~160.00
P2051(1 mL) P2052(1 mL×5)

Product Introduction

2X Hotstart Pfu Mix is a premixed, ready-to-use solution containing Hotstart Pfu DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, Mg2+ and Reaction Buffer at optimal concentrations for efficient amplification of DNA templates by PCR. To prepare the final PCR, only need to add primers and template DNA. This premixed formulation saves time and reduces contamination due to the fewer pipetting steps required for PCR set-up. The mix retains all features of Hotstart Taq DNA Polymerase.

Hotstart Pfu DNA Polymerase is a hot-start polymerase with antibody modification, which brings higher specificity by reducing non-specific products as the enzyme activity is temperature-dependent and is inhibited at room temperature. The amplification length can reach to 5 kb (simple template) with the elongation rate of 2kb/min.


•High-specificity amplification & multiplex PCR: hot-start polymerase with antibody modification

• High fidelity PCR


10X high fidelity of Taq

• Convenient: only primers and template DNA are added when preparing PCR system

• High yields of PCR products with minimal optimization

• Fast: saves time due to reduced number of pipetting steps.

• Reproducible: lower contamination and pipetting error risk





2× Hotstart Pfu Mix*

1 ml

1 ml × 5

Nuclease-free water

1 ml

1 ml × 5

* Available in two versions: bromophenol blue plus and bromophenol blue free (suggested).

Storage Condition

Store at -20°C

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